REL T/7i White


Balance Point

T/7i, The Perfect Blend

T/7i is, without reservation, one of the most-balanced RELs of all time. In order to achieve perfect balance, a sub must weigh speed against heft, while ensuring true extension-depth-and do so in a physically harmonious package. T/7i manages to make it all seem easy. Quick and delicate for a perfect blend, it can pound out exceptionally deep, tuneful bass that belies its size and plays louder than most will ever require.

The new composite alloy/fibre engine in T/7i blends precisely the correct dimension of stiffening alloy with a fibre material chosen for its sonic neutrality and light weight. The combination is brilliant; exceeding the performance of competitors’ drivers that are many times more expensive. The forward-firing 8” active couples with a larger 10” down-firing passive, again with carefully chosen balances of alloy to fibre and the result is seamless, effortlessly deep bass that blends perfectly with the main speakers.

If our driver designers deliver the structure of REL’s sound, the electronics are the brains and the power behind our success. Serie T/i uses the same Class A/B power amplifier sections with large, high current power supplies, precision-wound toroidal transformers and an amazing reliability record that has powered almost 100,000 RELs.

Our proprietary filter designs are responsible for rave reviews for REL’s unique ability to blend seamlessly while layering on all the harmonic structure missing from conventional systems.


Type: Speakers

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