REL Habitat 1


Starting with a clean sheet of paper, we designed custom bass mini-engines to produce truly awe inspiring bass in an ultra-thin envelope

We spent months engineering the mounting hardware to permit easy and accurate mounting of Habitat1 onto a variety of wall structures including masonry or brick walls, modern sheet rock and stud construction.

Although Habitat1 is intended to be used wirelessly with the REL LongbowTM Wireless Transmitter, the rear panel includes all of the standard connectivity so that users have the option of using Habitat1 wired if desired.

Key to the design goals of the project is the complete absence of wires needed to move the signal flawlessly from player to Habitat1. REL’s LongbowTM employs a new state of the art chip that, unlike virtually every other design, has ZERO compression. Hence the fidelity to the original event is retained perfectly and delay is minimized. Result? Crisp, clear bass in perfect time with the music or film.

Automatic detection and pairing is an important component to the REL approach. Simply plug both Habitat1 and Longbow Wireless Transmitter in within 30 seconds of each other and they will seek each other out and auto pair. Forgot to do so in time? No issue, simply flick the pairing toggle on each unit and pairing will occur within seconds.

LongbowTM Wireless Transmitter permits use of the full complement of REL connectivity, including wireless transmission of BOTH High Level and .1/LFE concurrently, thereby producing the rich full bass weight missing from conventional subwoofers.

For home theater use the High Level and .1/LFE can be run at the same time as each other to permit REL Reference Theater operation that re-establishes consistent, full range bass in addition to special effects bass. With REL there is no need to turn the sub bass system up for theater then turn it down for music.

One of REL’s unique technologies is embedded within our input and filter boards. This is so secret that even now, every unit is encased within an impregnable compound that ensures destruction of critical components if disturbed. These circuits allow all the speed and transparency of bass REL’s are famous for. Habitat1 can crossover as low as 25Hz, ensuring the ability to blend perfectly under even very sophisticated speakers.

  • Wireless, front-firing dual active drivers, rear-firing passive radiator
  • 2x 6.5inch long-throw, steel chassis active drivers
  • 1x 10inch passive radiator
  • 29Hz at -6dB in room response
  • 200 watts (RMS), Proprietary REL-D™ Digital Amplifier Input
  • 635mm x 406mm x 115mm (WxHxD)
  • Available in High Gloss Piano White



Type: Speakers

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